The main aim of graphology is to study the relationship that exists between a person's handwriting and his or her personality. It is a tool to help understand the writer rather than to judge them.
Graphology recognises that a person's handwriting reveals much about the writer's mind, personality, character and emotional state. Because people tend to be complex individuals, graphology entails a complex learning curve. In the process of learning about others you will find significant clues about yourself. There will be 'light bulb' moments about the authors of the handwriting you are studying and yourself.
You may be working within the field of counselling or teaching, you may want to become a professional graphologist or you may want to learn for you own personal growth.

The British Academy of Graphology runs the course that prepares students for its internationally recognised and respected Diploma.
The online course means you can learn wherever and whenever it suits you. Students may start at any time and work at their own pace. You first learn not to read what is written but how it is written. Like understanding pieces of a jigsaw, the whole image or context has to be understood before a single piece can be of any use.
What topics will you cover?
The first 'year' is mainly to do with the training of how to look at a handwriting. Amongst other things, how the handwriting is placed on the page, the size and the shape of the letters, how the letters are connected, the weight of the words on the paper and the flow of the pen. You then learn what all these aspects indicate.
The second 'year' consists of in-depth interpretations particular to the handwriting and, also, psychological theories that add scope and comprehensive understanding of the personality.
Thereafter it is practise, practise, practise on hundreds of handwritings so that your knowledge deepens.
How is the course organised?
Lessons are constructed so that a student learns the techniques for analysis through studying many, many handwritings. Assignments are sent out for completion and returned for subsequent tutor assessment. Each assignment consists of a new handwriting, a further exercise and new information on which to build a firm and solid foundation. Graphology is an exciting and complex subject and it is important to fully assimilate one assignment before going onto the next.
Throughout your course your tutor will support you in achieving greater skill and development, enabling you to grow in confidence to correctly interpret what you see on the handwritten page. Your tutor is available to answer questions, however small, and can be available by arranged telephone and online meetings and, of course, by email.

Books that you will need to buy are "Graphology" and "Advanced Graphology" by Renna Nezos. Students will be expected to read around the subject and other books are recommended later (see Books). The Academy has a selection of books available on loan, although most students want to have their own copies for a life-time of future reference.
The current cost of the course is £450 per ten lessons. The first and second 'years' both consist of 20 lessons.
The Diploma Exam
Only students who wish to practise professionally are obliged to take the Diploma exams. Otherwise there is no requirement to take exams. An interest in the insights gained through graphology is all that is required.
However far you want to go, the study of graphology is never a waste of time.
For more information and enrolment, please
Email: enquiriesbaog@gmail.com